Burntout.com - A website for Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

Burntout.com guestbook

Thank you to every one who has signed my guestbook over the life of this site. A guestbook is a long forgotten piece of Internet websites so in 2014 I finally shut this part off. Very few people visiting the site know what a guestbook is for, or even care.

What follows are the most recent messages before I shut the guestbook off. I have kept the old messages too if you want to read them.

Book 0
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book 8
Book 9
Book 10
Book 11
Book 12
Book 14
Book 15
Book 16
Book 17
Book 18
Book 19
Book 20
Book 21
Book 22
Book 23
Book 24
Book 25
Book 26
Book 27
Book 28
Book 29
Book 30
Book 31
Book 32
Book 33
Book 34
Book 35
Book 36
Book 37
Book 38
Book 39
Book 40
Book 41
Book 42
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Book 47
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Book 49
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Book 51
Book 52
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Book 83
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elise from norway said:
he wasnt really happy for 10 years!!

elise from norway said:
he wasnt really happy for 10 years!!

elise from norway said:
imagine all the guilt his parents must feel!!!

666 from England said:
ya well i still dont fully blieve kurt killed himself

Christian from USA,TN said:

666 from England said:
oh oops didnt no christian already answered dat!

elise from norway said:
cant believe how many people who have killed themself because Kurt did... so tragic...

666 from England said:
5th april 94 found d 8th

Christian from USA,TN said:
Yeah he lived under a bridge and died april 5th 1994

elise from norway said:
hey wake up!!!!

Elise from Norway said:
Hey do any of you know if its true that he lived under a bridge at some time or not? and the date of his death is diffrent in allmost every site you know wich date thats the right one??

Elise from Norway said:
Oh!!! cool! I\'m saving up for an el-guitar but i cant afford it yet...

Elise from Norway said:
snakker non norsk??

Alex from England said:
I play electric guitar.

Elise from Norway said:
Bęsj.... you play guitar any of you?? LOVE IT! yeah courtney is a bitch!

Alex from England said:
Just look at some online store.

Christian from USA,TN said:
I would\'nt know about ordering.

666 from England said:
wel i think courtney\'s a bitch dat bein d nicest word i have 4 describin her lik can u believe she got frances bak?

Elise from Norway said:
Hmmm.... Is it really expensive to order em?

Christian from USA,TN said:
Yeah got them all even the outcesticide cds

Alex from England said:
Courtney Love? I do not think she killed him, but I dont really care for her.

Elise from Norway said:
Yeah... Hey, answer!

Alex from England said:
Er, no. But u r in norway, so i dunno

Christian from USA,TN said:
So,Who out here likes Courtney Love?

Elise from Norway said:
Hey, do you have to order bleach, in utero+++ at the internet, cant find them in the stores... You have all of them???

666 from England said:
ya i dont lik elvis! elise r u sayn elvis fans r still alive?

Alex from England said:
Yes, Elise, but what when we are all dead? I just hope i wont be around.

Alex from England said:
thats good i guess.

Christian from USA,TN said:
No Alex not that I know of, I\'m pretty happy.

Elise from Norway said:
Arrrgh! fucking computer!!!

Elise from Norway said:
Yeah but the people who listened to him is still alive...

Elise from Norway said:
Yeah but the people who listened to him is still alive...

Christian from USA,TN said:
That is true 666, I just hope Nirvana has the same future.

Alex from England said:
Tru, and I like Kurt a hell of a lot better than elvis!

Alex from England said:
Yea, but he had that stomach problem and shit. What, are you depressed?

666 from England said:
no alex dont say dat! i dont agree sur luk at elvis people still remember him so its gona b lik dat with kurt nd nirvana 2

Christian from USA,TN said:
I wish he could of just been happy,It sucks man,fucking depression.

Alex from England said:
I definately loved kurt, but not many ever give the band much credit.

Alex from England said:
I believe that in a few years nirvana will be forgotten, at least after we\'re all dead. People really do suck.

666 from England said:
i no its like how can u not have heard of dem dey\'re fuckin amazin

Christian from USA,TN said:
Makes you sad dose\'nt it ,knowing that we can only hope they find more lost Nirvana tapes .

Elise from Norway said:
He wont He\'s like Mozart in a rock-version! :)

Alex from England said:
Yea, I kno a lot of people that haven\'t heard of nirvana. It really pisses me off!

Christian from USA,TN said:
If he ever isn\'t remembered that will be an even bigger shame ,Damn I hate to think of that.

Alex from England said:
Yea, same here. I\'m so bloody bored!

Christian from USA,TN said:
Pretty much Alex nothing better to do.

666 from England said:
aint it tho? least he\'ll neva b 4gotten.sur alex we\'re all here 4 d same reason

Alex from England said:
So, do u guys just use this as a chat room? Pretty darn cool!

Christian from USA,TN said:
Yeah,It\'s a damn shame hes gone .

666 from England said:
ya it makes u wonder what he`d b like 2day wood he b still makin great music? sadly we`ll neva no.....

Alex from England said:
kurt was a god!! this is an awesome site!

Christian from USA,TN said:
Damn, I\'m bored as hell.

Christian from USA,TN said:
666, How very right you are my friend,He was the John Lennon of his generation they say.

666 from England said:
lisa r u sayn kurt was cute? wel dat goes witout sayn bt he wasnt just a pretty face hes an amazin musician

Christian from USA,TN said:
Anybody want to talk 1:48 PM

Lisa from Norway said:
He must be the cuuuuuuutest guy who have ever walked on this earth!

666 from England said:
ah cool cool so how r u 2day christian

Christian from USA,TN said:
I guess so 666.

666 from England said:
so i was rite den.....

Christian from USA,TN said:
She was born in 1992 so do the math.and yes I talk more here than you think.

666 from England said:
wat ya sayn sory 4? frances is like 12 i tink r 13

Elise from Norway said:
Haha! sorry, I\'m not that good at the computer... :)

Elise from Norway said:
O my God!!! How many times did I write thet??? Haha!

666 from England said:
yo elise ur a bit mad rnt ya?!

Elise from Norway said:
Ooops... Haha!!! ;)

Elise from Norway said:
Hey, how old is his daughter now actually???

Elise from Norway said:
Hey, how old is his daughter now actually???

lydia from USA,TN said:
well, christian, you dont talk much on here do you?

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he had attempted suicide before , people have studied the handwriting in the suicideletter and he wrote it, offcourse somebody else could have written that but he was\'nt happy and he really wanted to die, so if he was murderd, I think he just got happy so, LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!! :)

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he had attempted suicide before , people have studied the handwriting in the suicideletter and he wrote it, offcourse somebody else could have written that but he was\'nt happy and he really wanted to die, so if he was murderd, I think he just got happy so, LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!! :)

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he had attempted suicide before , people have studied the handwriting in the suicideletter and he wrote it, offcourse somebody else could have written that but he was\'nt happy and he really wanted to die, so if he was murderd, I think he just got happy so, LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!! :)

??? from USA said:
u guys are fucking crazy!

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he had attempted suicide

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he had attempted suicide

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he attempted suicide

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he attempted

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up, he

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split up,

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents split

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his parents

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after his b

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy after

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really happy

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be really

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could be

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never could

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he never

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that he

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and that

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself and

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself, he

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill himself,

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna kill

Elise from Norway said:
Hey ME from USA, in Kurt\'s lyrics, he\'s saying that he wanna