Burntout.com - A website for Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

Burntout.com guestbook

Thank you to every one who has signed my guestbook over the life of this site. A guestbook is a long forgotten piece of Internet websites so in 2014 I finally shut this part off. Very few people visiting the site know what a guestbook is for, or even care.

What follows are the most recent messages before I shut the guestbook off. I have kept the old messages too if you want to read them.

Book 0
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book 8
Book 9
Book 10
Book 11
Book 12
Book 14
Book 15
Book 16
Book 17
Book 18
Book 19
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Anton from united states said:
I want mp3 player. What will advise?

ME from England said:
KuRt RuLeS

Janet from California said:
hi watz ^

lydinda from England said:
I have just been reading over the guest book and have just realised that this guestbook is closing down. I have also been reading what charlotte has been saying ie blaming everyone else but her self. She is the reason this site is closing down,. She is a self obsessed little cow who has ruined it for everyone by talking about herself. If you were a real nirvana fan you would come in and pay your respects and get out. You only used this site as a vehicle to talk about your pathetic opinions. Kurt Cobain had a problem with fans in general , he found it hard to cope with the adoration. You fit the exact description of what he hated about fans. You selfish little brat.

lydinda from England said:
To Kurt from England.I keep reading messages written by you. do you have nothing better to do than spend all your tome on this site. and where are those wasters brittany and charlotte gone ?? This is a website for Nirvana fans , not a chat line for wannabe\'s

chelsey from tennessee said:
andy thank you 4 agreeing with me and you need 2 call me some time(423-608-2808) so please call me or anyone cause im veary board and no one 2 talk 2 so please even you andt cause you seem nice 2 talk 2 about kurt/nirvana so come on call!!!!!!!!! your right andy cortney does need 2 go burn in hell!!! love you kurt rip see you soon!

Kai from USA said:
Dude this site is the best ever. I really like the tabs, i was always wondering how to play Drain You. Keep strong.

RV from USA said:
Nice site its only missing one thing...us here at Phunkt House... Keep doing your thing..

Jennifer from USA said:
I love Kurt Cobain and i found this website cuz i have to do a research project on something so i picked him...

darko stojevski from Macedonia said:
Kurt will always be a legend!rest in peace...

britt.... from usa said:
why in the hell are you going to kill yourself!?!?!?!

DANNY from USA said:
Daniel Foster is awsome!!

andy from England said:
i agree with chelsey from tennesse.cortney is nothing but a whorer for kurts money! she onley wanted a chance for a carrer that never happened.she is the biggest never was has-been in music ,she sucks more than any 80\'s big hair bands now thats prety damm bad.I THINK THAT IN HAVING KURT KILLED SHE COMMETID SUCIED. FUCK THAT WHORER LET HER ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

andy dennis from united statea of america said:
miss\'nkurt we need him back

andy dennis from England said:
miss\'nkurt we need him back

aline from switzerland said:
i must write a work pleas help me her in switzerland we havent much things our nirvana help me im 15 years old i read the biography but tahts not enogh

aline from England said:
i love kurt cobain he was an amacing artist im from switzerland kurt live in our heart for ever

chelsey from tennessee said:
cortney only (loved) kurt for his money so jelie we all loved kurt so much and if you really loved him you wouldnt like cortney well if you read anything about him so 4 now SHUT THE HELL UP CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM AND YOU WOULD KNOW SHIT ABOUT HIM TRUST ME EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM I READ IT ALL STUDING IT NOT SLEEP TIL I FOUND IT OUT!!!!

chelsey from tennessee said:
freyja best friend dont know everything and cornty has MONEY so !!!!!!!!!!! what do you know!!! trust me my coz bro & i know alot of stuff about him & we all think it was cornty now what and to all who hates kur / nirvana go FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!love ya kurt p.s CALL ME!!!!!!!! PLEASE

Freyja from Iceland said:
if someone had murderd Kurt then the murder would be dead right now becaus Kurt\'s best friend would kill the murder he knows everything about Kurt and by the way if Courtney Love had commited that she had payd the gye to kill Kurt than she would be in prisson...dahh !

Freyja from Iceland said:
if someone had murderd Kurt then the murder would be dead right now becaus Kurt\'s best friend would kill the murder he knows everything about Kurt and by the way if Courtney Love had commited that she had payd the gye to kill Kurt than she would be in prisson...dahh !

Freyja from Iceland said:
if someone had murderd Kurt then the murder would be dead right now becaus Kurt\'s best friend would kill the murder he knows everything about Kurt and by the way if Courtney Love had commited that she had payd the gye to kill Kurt than she would be in prisson...dahh !

jelie from England said:
try reading it ova and over again. maybe you can then understand what happened. o.k? dnt b such airheads please. we love kurt and need to get justice for him.

jelie from England said:
to those who actually call it a \\\'conspiracy THEORY\\\' u are 2 iseally manipulated and far to easily influenced. u really think finding drugs in his blood stream solves the mystery? if it were that simple there wouldnt b all this fuss around it. he had 3 TIMES THE LETHAT D.E.A.D.L.Y. dose of heroin, this means u uninformed retards, that he COULD NOT have injected himself , then placed the drug paraphelia in a box at the end of the room, rlled down his sleeves, picked up the gun and discharged it without leaving fingerprints on any of the abouve mentiond objects. DID THAT CLEAR THE MIST FOR YOU? he would have been at least left incapacitated by ONE of these doses, he WAS GIVEN THREE. courtney love (as brave as she is ) had MOTIVES. see for urself i have other things to do. gdbye. p.s: omg!britt u saw it too! their so cute in it, apparently they were stoned lol

Ross Ivantsov from Germany said:
Very nice site. Thanks

ME from England said:
Kurt rules..

chelsey from tennessee said:
i do smoke and call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chelsey from tennessee said:
will someone call me cause i am dying to talk to someone so please call # 423-608-2808 :-( chelsey

chelsey from tennessee said:
kurt cobain didnt commit suiceide for a fact first of all he had to much drugs in his body to hold the gun to his head!!!and i think corntey paid el d to murder him ! she offered him 50,000 to!!!! and kurt is my hero and when i die i will see him !!! rip kurt love you brother!!!

Danielle from England said:
if u wer kurts reel number 1 fan u wouldnt think he commited suiceide.. Courtney love is a whore nd i hate her gutts soo much.. reply back if u hav msn nd r under 18 yrs ov age

Freyja from Iceland said:
I love Kurt I\'m his fan no:1 I wished that he was alive now and had never komit the suicide :( Kurt D. Cobain FOREVER ! rest in peace

jelie from England said:
gd un chelsey! its gd u dnt smoke britt! bt kurt cobain smoked since he was ur age tho innit. i dnt smoke either. yay bt im 15...oh, and \'kurdt\' dnt kill urself u twat, neither did kurt cobain so that would jst b silly! much love

chelsey/cherokee from tennessee said:
kurt donald cobain is the best fucking person in the fucking world so you bitch who says that you hate kurt you can go suck a big donkey dick so you fucking bitch you can go fuck your self!!!!! NIRVANA IS THE GREATEST FUCKING BAND IN THE FUCKING WORLD!!!!!!!!!!

chelsey from tennessee said:
fuck you all who doesnt like nirvana nirvana is the greatest fucking band in the whole fucking world so you all who dont like nirvana you con drop dead in a fucking ditch and if you have something yo say to that i will personaly give you my number!!! kurt cobein is my fucking hero so fuck you all!!!!! # 423-608-2808 peace

kurdt from lake of fire said:
like kurt i 2 am going to komit suicide

Duong Ninh from Vietnam said:
I love his music forever. I dont believe that he had committed suicide, sth\'s wrong with his death. Courtney Love is such a bitch, I hate her. Only Kurt knew wat happenned to him. 4ever Kurt!!!

britt from usa said:
pshhhhh no lol im 13!!i cant do that:)

jelie from England said:
hmmm ejaculation control that could b useful. JOKE.lol yer i kno their SO funni...and hot...and all around great. do u smoke then?

britt from usa said:
lol im gonna start actin like them three.....they are funny as hell!!!:)

ashley koppelmann from united states said:
i love nirvana kurt cobain is awesome yeah

Laheavenlyica from United States said:
Kurt Cobain was hot as hell... Tragedy what he did....

jelie from England said:
yer i kno! me and mi friends dnt stand on escelators anymore lol. were always like Excuse me! Commin thru! is so funni. were starting a revolution with krist lol i bought a neil young cd :) much luff xXx

Badskater from México said:
Kurt sin duda un gran hombre, es mi patrón a seguir, siempre sera recorado. Nirvana = GLORY.

ME from England said:
Kurt and Nirvana are better than the best.

josh shaddick from canada said:
heyy i love nirvana there my favortite band well gtg

josh shaddick from canada said:
heyy i love nirvana there my favortite band well gtg

hitty from England said:
i remeber the day a mate of mine introducd me to nirvana... so i thought they were cool then i thought they and kurt were asome i brought most of there albums over the years smoked a lot of weed too. music is about epressing your self nirvana did just that for me as well as thosands of other possiable even millions of other people. come as you are as a friend as a trend . kurts and nirvnas legacey will out live humanity it slef i sure of that

britt from usa said:
i know it was funny and the whole escalators part...lol awesome

jelie from England said:
as i said, the needles were in a box, usually with ONE TIMES THIS AMOUNT, on any \'junky\' they would b left sticking out of the arm as there wouldnt b enough time to take it out b4 it took effect. kurt cobain was murdered and courtney love is to blame. do i need to spell out all of the evidence to u? go to www.justiceforkurt.com if u people have any sense in u. ur too easily ruled by the media

jelie from England said:
to those who actually call it a \'conspiracy THEORY\' u are 2 iseally manipulated and far to easily influenced. u really think finding drugs in his blood stream solves the mystery? if it were that simple there wouldnt b all this fuss around it. he had 3 TIMES THE LETHAT D.E.A.D.L.Y. dose of heroin, this means u uninformed retards, that he COULD NOT have injected himself , then placed the drug paraphelia in a box at the end of the room, rlled down his sleeves, picked up the gun and discharged it without leaving fingerprints on any of the abouve mentiond objects. DID THAT CLEAR THE MIST FOR YOU? he would have been at least left incapacitated by ONE of these doses, he WAS GIVEN THREE. courtney love (as brave as she is ) had MOTIVES. see for urself i have other things to do. gdbye. p.s: omg!britt u saw it too! their so cute in it, apparently they were stoned lol

david from scotland said:
kurt was a genius aswell as a god,his performance on mtv new york blew me away and i will never forget it ,and to play a david bowie song( a man who saved the world) and make it his own proves what a talent ,dave grohl your acoustic album sucked by the way by a mile !

britt from usa said:
yea i heard krist say that to!it was cool lol.....and umm....kurt was awesome at the guitar you fuckin asshole so if you have anything else to say about him why dont you come and say it to my fuckin face!

kdzhufcoa from England said:
kurt was shit at guitar

d. from England said:
I am glad kurt cobain died. Extremely glad. I also hope he experienced a great deal of pain and i hope he is suffering in hell.

sdfcs from England said:

hksoia293e from England said:

fuckoff from England said:
ur all fuckin cocks fuckin die u bitch pussies

kd from usa said:
kert cobain woz a fukn ledgend e rox

blabalbnla from England said:

fuck. from England said:
fuck off you fucking idiots i hope you all fucking die painfully.

fuck. from England said:
fuck off you fucking idiots i hope you all fucking die painfully.

ME from England said:
did u kno more people smoke pot then voted for bush? krist said so! i love his random facts! much love Thats so cool

Brandy from North America said:
yea umm....i love nirvana.....Kurt cobain is awesome!!!!! Sucks that he was killed though!!! Nirvana is a great band...they rock!!!!!!

Carmel from Ireland said:
Will everybody stop with the whole conspiricy theory about Courtney killing Kurt. She was and is fighting her own demons and i admire her for sticking with life and getting through all the crap. Kurt struggled with a serious drug addiction. He also suffered a troubled mind. That is why he was such an exceptional song writer. He also shared his songs with us in an exceptional way by never explaining his meaning of them but encouraged us to take what we needed from them and make them our own. And we did. He expressed what we felt in his words and anger and his disdain of the norm.But he was human and he made mistakes in his personal life , like we all do and it is not for us to disect these and judge him or his wife or his daughter or anything else that was within his personal life. Instead , put on his CD , kick back and know that once the music is loud , he is still here giving us the best of him. Kurt RIP. Thank you for it all.x

jelie from England said:
did u kno more people smoke pot then voted for bush? krist said so! i love his random facts! much love

federica from italy said:

heather from us. said:
i think this is a great web site about kurt cobain! he is a very kewl person and i wish he was still here with us. i will tell all my friends about this site. One of my friends zach and pavlo inspired me to like this band and i know so much now from you and other writers. thanks heather