Burntout.com - A website for Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

Burntout.com guestbook

Thank you to every one who has signed my guestbook over the life of this site. A guestbook is a long forgotten piece of Internet websites so in 2014 I finally shut this part off. Very few people visiting the site know what a guestbook is for, or even care.

What follows are the most recent messages before I shut the guestbook off. I have kept the old messages too if you want to read them.

Book 0
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
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Book 7
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Book 9
Book 10
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Book 14
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Darla from United States said:
Your site totallly kicks ass! It has alot of information and awesome pictures!

Taras Stec from Canada B.C. said:
Well to start out Nirvana is And always will be the best Band In the World! yes theres jimmy henddrix The doors Janis Bob Marley there will never ever be another band like them but Kurt Cobain Nirvana Will always top them...any ways i just got home from a party really tired really drunk i stumbled upon this website and it is fuckin great anyways everyone have a good night good day whatever time u r reading this good bye R.I.P Kurt Cobain ( you will live on forever)

livi from USA said:
I belive that Nirvana was the best band,it is my favorite band today.

brittanee from united sates said:
Kurt Cobain had the best band in the entire world!!!!

Lithium from lithiuania said:
прибалтике!!! znaite sto fanatov Nirvana hvataet i v pribaltike.

Lithium from lithiuania said:
знайте что фанатов Nirvana и Kurta Cobaina ест и в прибалтике!!!

Lithium from lithiuania said:
знайте что фанатов Nirvana и Kurta Cobaina ест и в прибалтике!!!

Lithium from lithiuania said:
nirvana nirvana nirvana

sahil from England said:
i love him i love him

Kali from United States said:
Hi I am in Jr. High and just last year my friends and I began listening to Nirvana. This website was great because I wanted to learn more about Kobain. I even added it to my favorites. I have a project in music and you can choose any artist or band to present to the class and I chose Kurt Cobain because he sounds very intresting and I like his music. So I think I will get an A with all the info I got. Thanks!

Miki Cruz (like the mouse) from Fresno, California, USA said:
i like frenchfry\'s!! :) i like nirvana more, and THATS PURE crzyness dude!! seriously

Annefleur from Nederland said:
Ellow Mensen, Hoe is het? met mij goed!! nou doei Ellow people, how are you? with me great!! bye

em from England said:
really kool website,i totally agree wit the fact that he didnt killhimself,i have always thought that.my mum was a massive nirvana fan so i grew up listening to one of the most insperational and amazing bands who will live ine forever. rip kurt cobian

destiny from with the lights out its less dangerous said:
Nirvana is a legenendary band. Kurt Cobain will live on forever!!!!

Destiny from canada said:
Hey, Nirvana kicks royal ass. kurt, dave, krist are all hot, and there music is awesome its like all i listen to

Jarrod Nelms from USA said:
Kurt you rock then you rock now.................

Raye from Tacoma, WA said:
No matter what anyone can write or express on this page, Kurt said it the best himself: \"It amazes me the will of instinct..\" Kurt held on for so long; for us, for his family, and for his daughter. Learning this has been one of the more liberating things of my life.

Amber from USA said:
I love Nirvana so much! Ever since I can remember I\'ve listened to them. Kurt is such an inspiration for me and my band. I\'m glad you like them as much as I do!!! ROCK ON DUDE!

Rach from England said:
Kurt Cobain is a life-long hero. Respect to the dude that we was always cherish deep in our hearts.

Ellen from USA said:
Great site, I enjoyed looking around.

neeley from untied states said:
curt cobain is a legand....

kitty from England said:
i love nirvana, but all my mates hate them . i love kurt cobain, even though hes dead, all my mates think im a physco. no matter what my mates think i will keep on loving them both! the moral of this story is if you love something enough, no-one can stop you. people can make you feel like an outcast, they can make you feel unwanted, different and alone - but if you hold on to the things you truely love then you will have everything you need- and your friends will just learn to accept it - mine did!

kurt priaulx from canada said:
kurt cobain will always be remembered.he might be dead but his soul will live on and his music

xtina from England said:
Kurt Cobain is gr8!
Norwich, Norfolk

grey from philippines said:
kurt wherever you are, im still youre #1 fan.. may you rest in peace..

grey from philippines said:
kurt wherever you are, im still youre #1 fan.. may you rest in peace..

kiara from Italy said:
I want kurt baaaaaaaaaack!!! u.u

Lynsi from US said:
I love Kurt. It such a tradegy. But i dont think he did it.

billy joe bags from England said:
nirvana rules

kiara from England said:
I disagree with hannah...I don\'t think that courtney had killed kurt....we\'ll never be sure about that... (excuse me for my imperfect english!!)

marc from fife , scotland said:
kurt will alwayz remain in my heart.He never did bad thingz for a good reason. nirvana and kurt for ever.

sophie from England said:
hey! i love kurdt kobain too. i love him like jack skellington and beetlejuice.

T.Schmidt from Germany/ deutschland said:
I love Kurt Cobain!!!! =o)

Abby Santana from usa said:

Graham from England said:
I disagree with you Flaggermusen the people who don\'t like kurt can come in here to see all the people who love kurt and if they say anything bad about kurt i.... no i carn\'t this is for you kurt R.I.P the god of grunge and i say to all that don\'t like him to either get lost or actualy listen to his music and follow a god and become a grunger come on people kurt will never die and neither will grunge R.I.P kurt my hero and the person who inspires me to live on as who i am and thats a grunger and im proud to follow in the foot steps of my hero kurt cobain bye people until next time when i sign this book p.s. grunge for life R.I.P kurt

hannah from germany said:
@cantarella!!!!hip hop ist der grцЯte fuck den es gibt!!! boa sido alta!!!!jeder spasst in meiner umgebung spricht so!!!!!alle wolln se so cool sein!!!des kotzt mich ech so fuck an!!!!NIRVANA SINDIE BESTEN UND KURT; DAVE AND CHRIS WE LOVE YOU HANNAH

hannah from germany said:
Hi!!!!i am sure that courtney has killed kurt cobain, because there are to much things happend that all showes that courtney killed kurt!!! kurt i love you an i will never forget you!!!! i am always thinking about you!!!! for ever in love hannah

Flaggermusen from Norway said:
Hi! Just wanted to say that like most of the other people in here, I absolutly Love Kurt Cobains work. He\'s was and will always be the best. so to you other who write in here to say he is crap, Fuck Off! Why are you in here, if you dont like him! Get a Life!

Rach from England said:
Yes, he may be dead but that doesn\'t mean be can\'t still care and appreciate Kurt....

courtney from USA said:
fuck off and leave him alone cant he just rest in peace and as for those fuckers that are obssessed with him HES DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kiara from Italy said:
kurt cobain will never die.....I think he\'s one of the best rockers in the world!! thanks for your songs!!

tom jameson from England said:
help me i\'m being raped by my father steve he beats me and rapes me and my brother robby ,he abuses my mum and crippled her for benefits he needs to be taken awat please help me i really need it call child abuse hotline before he goes to far he makes my swallow and i\'m only a 13 year old boy

kelly from australia said:
kurt cobain will always gonna rock my world

Matt from USA said:
I have been listening to Kurt\'s Stuff forever at least since I been able to touch the radio

kurt from hell said:
nobody likes me evreybody hates me i think i should go eat worms

kurt cobain from heaven said:
i am dead i shot myself in the head and no1 caresbut me

panthra from usa said:
nice site, and if anyone has any developed pics of kurt cobain, and they want to send them to me , i will swap something for them

Adriana from Canada said:
This goes out to kurt. we love u man. see wat u have done for us. even if u didnt like thie fame. this is all for u kurt xox!!! and i just have to say that no matter WAT kurt and nirvana will alwais be apart of me and im shur of everytone who has even taken the time to read this. one more thing, COURTNEY SHOULD GET LOCKED UP FOR WAT SHE DID. SHE RUIN THE MUSIC SCENE! if she wouldnt of killed kurt, good music would styll be around. insted of all this \"rock\" that is playin. ohwell. r.i.p kurt i love u man xox thanks for EVERYTHING!!!!

Flor bauw from belgium said:
kurt is the king of grunge ... rip Kurt Cobain..

Graham from England said:
1 more thing its amazing to see how many people honor kurt cobain i just want to say that after all kurt and nirvana have given us even though kurt is go from us and we will never see nirvana again i want to say that kurt deserves all of this after what he has given us dont you all agree well anyway R.I.P kurt but as long as you all belive kurt will not die in spirit i only wish i could have met him in person well speek soon p.s nirvana rock and kurt rules

graham from England said:
Hi everyone who comes on this site anyway kurt rules and he is the god of grunge and i will liten to nirvana until i die im even going to have smells like teen spirit playing as my body gets cremated as a tribute to kurt my hero kurt donald cobain R.I.P

brandon duffner from England said:
paris is a slut

Rach from England said:
Tis good to see so many people supporting this site and giving gratitude like it deserves!