Burntout.com - A website for Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

Burntout.com guestbook

Thank you to every one who has signed my guestbook over the life of this site. A guestbook is a long forgotten piece of Internet websites so in 2014 I finally shut this part off. Very few people visiting the site know what a guestbook is for, or even care.

What follows are the most recent messages before I shut the guestbook off. I have kept the old messages too if you want to read them.

Book 0
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book 8
Book 9
Book 10
Book 11
Book 12
Book 14
Book 15
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mel from England said:
hey peeps hows it going? aarons being such a cunt!!! hehe

Aaron from England said:
how am i being a cunt mel?

HAJAR DA DON from England said:

mel from England said:
hey peeps hows it going? aarons being such a cunt!!! hehe

Aaron from England said:
how am i being a cunt mel?

mel from England said:
hey peeps hows it going? aarons being such a cunt!!! hehe

christina from England said:
i know! he is such a complete wanker!

ggj from England said:

ggj from England said:

mel from England said:
hey peeps hows it going? aarons being such a cunt!!! hehe

ggj from England said:

bdghf from England said:

emmaida from sweden said:
we ska skriva about er;P

buffon from Argentina said:

ReAd Me Aloud DOn\'t LeaVe Me AloNE from Canada said:
i dont recomened my own feature to be isolateted and freely thought about!!! curtisy of my self explainitory statement. i like Nirvana and i also like a girl named BeTh but she dont like me. she likes nirvana i like nirvana.WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES ?????????

nicole from usa said:
i just want 2 say that i think Kurt/Nirvana were the best band!he is an inspiration to every1!kurt we will always love u!rest in peace

Stacey Smith from USA said:
I love Kurt..he\'ll live through his music forever!

sophia from usa said:
I just came across this site and wanted to say that I have always been one of Kurt\'s(Nirvana\'s)biggest fans. I had never liked a band before Nirvana, and I have never liked one after as much as I did with Nirvana. It\'s the only band I know all the words to the songs! They inspired me to start my own band when I was a teenager....may Kurt rest in peace.

Linn Frances from Norway said:
GREAT website! 3 RIP Kurt 3 i love you, you\'ll always be the greatest artist in the world! Nirvana was and will always be the best Rock/Grunge band in the WORLD !! awesome pictures, and alot of great stuff =) (excuse me for my bad english) *to all fans*: ROCK ON! Nirvana 4 ever! Hugs from a big fan!3

koen kleyne from holland said:
pppppff man this is a verry good website great for real I mean it best if seen sow far reallt cool kurt lives on in all hour minds

Moa from Sweden said:
just want to say that this site is great! and to all of you, take care!

Jason Lindsley from America said:
I love this site! you need to talk about the box set!

kathy, kristina, from England said:
just to say 2 da person who didnt wanna start an argument - you wont, coz we were only mucking bout coz we woz bored in our lesson at school - if you must know i am like the biggest nirvana and kurt cobain (or should i say kurdt kobain!) fan eva - he was cool, know all the songs, have all the albumbs, am learning all the guitar tab. so there - so maybe we shouldnt have used this site as a chatroom, but hey, its the only site we can get on to at our school to do so. and as for respecting kurt, no-one respects him more dan me, even if he was a fuckin druggie who married a stupid, murdering, hoe of a wife! fuck courtney love and her shitiness - she is a complete w2ho and even if she didnt pull da trigger and inject da overdose into kurt, she fucking drove him to it, and now look at her. cant even look afetr her own daughter coz shes such a fucking bitch! =

kathy from England said:
i hate amber, he is doing my head in coz he keeps calling me kristina and kathy, damn him, i hate being called that, but i will let him anyway as its an i.t thing

kyle from united states said:

April from United States said:
You have a pretty good site with lots of information.

Christine and Lea from Denmark said:
KURT RULES! WE love him! Kurt is the master of music! And of course we hate Courtny!!! Kurt had a messege in every song he made! Kurt is the most fantastic mann in the world! We love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps. BEVAR CHRISTANIA!

André from Sweden said:
Kurt, Krist and Dave is the best combination of a band the world has ever seen!!! They where a circle and because of that they rocked the world!! Nirvanas music touch your soul..the one and only who does!! Peace, love and empathy to krist and Dave and to all fans of Nirvana..We salute you Kurt!

Bodda from ?????????? said:
Kurt commited suicide it is ovious courtney didnt kill him she saved his life on a number of occasions when he O.Ded and dont think that i like courtney but i dont im jealous as fuck Cos kurt rocks my world no joke i love him so much i love him and i know they were in love, THEY WERE READ THE INTERVIEW KURT AND COURTNEY IN A TREE ON THIS SITE IF U DONT BELIVE ME!!!!!!!!! but they were in love you can read anythin bout them to prove it. I wish that she killed him but i know she didnt He did this to himself

Nikki from US. said:
I LOVE NIRVANA. i like your site and alot of the pictures. I feel that Kurt Cobain was a musical genius. i just wish i could have seen them perform just once..

Lea from Denmark said:
I LOVE YOU KURT! Kurt will never be death in my soul! Kurt, you will always live in me! He is everyones insprations! Kurt 4-ever!

Kerstin from Austria said:
kurt cobain is the best musician i ever known !!! i love him and he is my inspiration. never forget him !!! greetz

alyssa from u.s. said:
i love curt cobaine.. i want his babies and i wish he was not dead... he is the hottest guy ever man.. well yeah i wish i met him that would be hawt...

Kristie from canada said:
Kurts awesome, his life was horrible and he makes me think about how much of a good person he is....and what the hell is up with these peopel talking in it, its signing in recognization of kurt, show some respect for this guy, anyways, r.i.p Kurt, your awesome

Rach from England said:
Hey, Kurt rocked, and still does, and always will. I dont want to start an argument or anything but some people should learn to respect theis site....not mentioning who, but they should know who they are....yeah. Anyway, Kurt R.I.P we love you!

Karen Sarah from America said:
Kurt Rules

aaron 2 mel from England said:
giv me dem bck im deing 4 1 luv u bbz

aaron 2 mel from England said:
giv me dem bck im deing 4 1 luv u bbz

mel 2 kat from England said:
heya dude! fuck u ill talkwen i wonna!

aaron 2 mel from England said:
giv me dem bck im deing 4 1 luv u bbz

aaron 2 mel from England said:
giv me dem bck im deing 4 1 luv u bbz

mel 2 aaron from England said:
hell no1 u want em cum n get em! hehe luv u 2

mel 2 aaron from England said:
kwl kwl! u still aint havin ur fags bac! hehe

aaron 2 mel from England said:
giv me dem bck im deing 4 1 luv u bbz

to aaron and mel (amber and michael) from England said:
stop fucking about! will you 2 just talk u bunch of fuckin idiots! it is way to silent in dis room so FUCKING TALK!!!

mel 2 aaron from England said:
kwl kwl! u still aint havin ur fags bac! hehe

mel 2 aaron from England said:
hello babe! soz 4 wot wrote luv ya really! :-)

Aaron to mel from England said:
yes i read it fine your foegiven babe love u

mel 2 aaron from England said:
hello babe! soz 4 wot wrote luv ya really! :-)

Mel from England said:
hey dudes theres a big blow out party saturday night outside on knolton way in slough (outside the house with the car with a blue cover) be there or be square oh and bring drinks

ill bruv! from ur mum! said:
ill bruvs! my name is da don nh i iz a weenie! i have to do a presentation on a complete spazo, how dumb is that, whi ujijbokm lokjp[hkl (spazo talk) if ur mummas lookin 4 a tym of her life cum 2 my yard @ 9.00 - 118 rochfords gardens! suck out!!

mel goth from England said:
the site is rather interesting! but.......Linkin Parkk is da fuckin don! c ya laterzzzzzzzzzzz

hjuyujhjfj from England said:
ghjghjfhdhgvb v cvbh

Sian Buckingham from England said:
It\'s been nearly 11 years since the death of Kurt cobain and im still feeling the pain. He gave more in his life than anyone can ever give back. He gave his privacy, ripped away from him by the media. He gave his soul in hislyrics for the whole world to hear and respect. And he gave his life. Sacrificed to pain. Sacrificed to fear. And he can never be given another chance no matter how much i plead or cry he will never be back.So i am here wearing my silent tribute. a tribute to kurt donald cobain.kurdt- disclaimer boy.kurt my hero.May you never die.

amber, cristie, michael and harvey from also from applied I.C.T said:
we have never seen this site until katrina introduced it to us. some of us like it, some of us dont but either way, its quite cool. dud 2!!

katrina from applied ICT said:
hey hey, i love this site. it is great. i love this site it is great. i like being repetitive, because then it easier for me to be irrational and do unexpected things. he he he, dude !

abbie and carly from wales said:
Kurt Cobain and the band is amazing. We are not 2 sure wot we think wen it comes to his death.

margy & nata from croatia said:
NIRVANA IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sheila luna from united states said:
I honestly believe that courney had kurt killed and just made his death look like a suicide and now the world of music is paying because our kurt is gone because of her greed

elaine from England said:
Kurt Cobain is the biggest influence in my life. R.i.p. and rock on Nirvana