I plan to continue presenting this information to the public.
This case will never be re-opened unless enough people believe it should be re-opened. We're steadily gaining support, but we're battling some pretty powerful people here who are doing everything they can to keep the public from hearing about this investigation.
I hope to be in trial.
What I expect is another thing. There are just too many variables here. Estimating time frames for any phase of this investigation really doesn't serve any purpose - so I don't.
I understand where they're coming from. If I hadn't been in the middle of this whole thing when it went down, I'd be more skeptical than anyone! I've never had any interest in "conspiracy theories" whatsoever.
But before you laugh me off as just another "wacko," you should be aware of some of the facts that make this case different than most.
First, this investigation did not originate with someone on the outside looking in. It developed from the knowledge and experiences of two individuals who were very close to Courtney Love during the period leading up to and following the events of Cobain's death.
Second, the murder scheme itself did not require a large number of participants in order to succeed.
Although many have attempted to cover-up their own sloppy work and others are doing everything they can to silence this investigation, Courtney Love planned this murder and it involved only a few participants, at most.
I don't buy into conspiracies theories involving too many players. The concept of massive conspiracy plots never made much sense to me on a practical level...the murder scheme itself did not require a large number of participants in order to succeed... and it still doesn't.
The purpose of this material is not to "prove" murder. What I'm attempting to do at this time is to prove that the police invistigation was thoroughly flawed and the public was completely misled. I believe anyone examing the material carefully will have to agree the case should be re-opened and reinvestigated properly by another governmental agency.
Once the case is re-opened, additional evidence will be provided that will eventually lead to the arrest and prosecution of the parties involved in the murder of Kurt Cobain.
All I can ask right now is that readers keep an open mind. There's much more to come.